Our company understands the fact that clients will need revisions to modify their orders and in doing so, get the best quality work they desire. Therefore, we have decided to let you know how it all works, hence, the revision policy.

Our clients can request to have a paper revised free of charge as many times as necessary for up to 10 days from the final deadline in our system.

Mentioned below are the revision terms:

Our clients can request to have a paper revised free of charge as many times as necessary for up to 10 days from the final deadline in our system. If your order cost is higher than $490 - you can have up to 20 days to request for the revision!We understand how important to receive a feedback on time and fit in 10 days free revision period. Thus, if you ordered a paper which cost is higher than $490 - you will have 20 days to get your professors feedback and request as many revisions, as you can within this time!

With Each Order You Get the Following:
100% originality
Awesome support
Free revisions
World-class writer
Regular discounts
Loyalty program
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