Why should I choose you out of other writing services?
We are professional writing platform that always reaches customers' goals. Thanks to our cooperation you will get only advantages and nothing else. Be sure to set yourself free from a time-consuming job and avoid risks with your grade.
Can I trust you my personal information?
Yes, our service is totally confidential. We do not only protect your personal data on the website, but also take responsibility not to share this information with any third parties. Don't worry about your privacy or safety of any sensitive data. Get more about our Privacy Policy right now.
Who will write my paper?
One of our experienced writers will be in charge of your task. He or she has a large portfolio, proper academic degree, and 90%+ success ratio. All these criteria make them perfect to write any kind of academic paper. There are numerous requirements for writers who want to join our team, and only experts are able to pass all tests and get accepted.
Can you write a paper according to current APA rules?
Yes, of course. Our writers are keen on MLA, APA, Chicago, Harvard, and other well-known writing styles. They always update their knowledge to write only quality papers for our customers.
How fast can you write a paper?
The speed depends on your paper type, but we always meet the client's requirements. We can make it in 3, 8, 24, and 48 hours or in 3, 5, 7, and 14 days.
How I will get my paper?
The ready paper will be uploaded to your personal account on our website. You will also be notified that your order is completed via email, and you'll find the paper attached.
Do you guarantee plagiarism-free content?
Yes, each paper is unique and plagiarism-free. Our writers use special software to check the text for possible matches, add proper references and thus eliminate any chance of the paper be plagiarised.The citations are always submitted with reference list.
What can you do if I don't like the paper?
You can ask for revisions. We guarantee free and fast corrections within 10 days after the final paper was sent to you. If there is any problem with a writer we can always replace them and improve the text as soon as possible. Be sure your interests are our main value.
Can I get in touch directly with the writer?
Our customer support team is your means of communication with the writer. Such a pattern of interaction proved to be effective and trouble-free for the client, since this way you avoid any misunderstandings or delays, and preserve your confidentiality.
Do you provide refunds?
Yes, if you are not satisfied with the final paper you can request a refund. On condition you provide detailed explanation and resone for a refund, you can get partial or full refund. Please read more at our page Money Back Guarantee.
Have a question you’d like answered? Email us at info@papermodo.com.
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